"Jeßus" wrote in message
On Mon, 2 May 2016 07:57:09 +0800, "Bloke Down The Pub"
I read a glyphosate bottle it told me that the chemical was neutralised
as soon as it in the dirt
Just about. That's not to say it isn't still harmful though, just that
as a herbicide it isn't very effective. There has been times I have
been forced to use dirty dam water with glyphosate and found that if
applied within ten minutes, it was still effective. After ten
minutes... didn't do much at all to weeds.
Back from the shed my bottle says 7 day withholding period for edible
but that I can plant whenever I like.
That's what they say, I wouldn't trust that claim for a moment.
I have to agree that a degree of mistrust is prudent. Which is why I read
the labels looking for GM signs and attempt to limit my intake, despite the
assurances that they are harmless.