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Old 14-07-2016, 04:47 AM
gardenaway gardenaway is offline
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Originally Posted by ivorhooper View Post
Hi everyone, I've just moved into my new house in York.
There's a lovely bamboo plant in the garden and I've no idea what it is.
It doesn't have leaves - just small growths at the top of some of the canes. The canes are bright green and stripy.
It's about four feet high and there's plenty of new canes popping up.
Excuse the rubbish pictures - I had to rotate them to be able to post them.
Wanting to know how high it will grow and how to manage it.
Thanks in advance!
Hello I know it has been a while since you last posted, but did you get an answer by any chance?? how quick are they growing??
I have some in my garden and they just don't stop rapid growth rate and look just like these but a little bit bigger. If you do know the name please reply
