Thread: unwanted topics
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Old 10-07-2004, 09:09 PM
len gardener
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Default unwanted topics

i recommended alt.pc to another person and they came back and said
that i had sent them to a porn site, i couldn't believe it.

i use forte agent as my news reader and use News.INDIVIDUAL.NET as
the news server for forte, and i just don't see those sorts of posts
at all or only a couple here and there leastwise.

so i went into outlook express (the most common used reader i would
guess) and downloaded perm' headers and boy the smut posts are over
whelming. now i guess it would be nigh on impossibe to get people to
stop using OEX and i don't know if those posts can be filtered through
the usenet as alt.pc is not moderated, so what can be done? those
posts must be working in a negative way to the benefit of alt.pc.

so what do we do?
is it plausable to start another moderated group?
those heading can't be helping in anyway shape or form.

if anyone is interested in getting a better newsreader forte have
free agent for use forever and a day sort of.


happy gardening
'it works for me it could work for you,'

"in the end ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do" but consider others and the environment

my e/mail addies have spam filters you should know what to delete before you send.