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Old 08-11-2004, 12:18 PM
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In article ,
(IntarsiaCo) wrote:

Edwards played along, but his aides were indignant. They warned the veep
candidate that the story was already out of control and about to get worse.
Historian Douglas Brinkley, author of a wartime biography of Kerry, cautioned
that Kerry's diary included mention of a meeting with some North Vietnamese
terrorists in Paris. Edwards was flabbergasted. "Let me get this straight,"
the senator said. "He met with terrorists? Oh, that's good."

Priceless, simply priceless.

Silly child. If rightwing bloggers reliant on new takes on the Swiftnuts &
Karl Rove's machievalian lying are to remain your only source of
knowledge, you're never going to register on the IQ meter. You're still
stuck on the amazingly ignorant myth that Madame Binh & the Paris Peace
Conference had something to do with terrorism, & that Kerry was important
enough to score a personal meeting with her coterie of peace activists at
a time when they were struggling to have Geneva Confernece regulations
observed for p.o.w.s in Viet Nam. A great woman whose great works have
benefited the world, even the United States, but the Swiftnuts would
refashion a terrorist, then telling that whopper add that Kerry met with
her "terrorist" group of pro-Geneva Conference activists. The OTHER
so-called terrorist at that Conference was Le Duck Tho, a recipient of the
Nobel Peace Prize. Only Rove, the Swiftnuts, & you could ever sustain the
notion that even the Nobel Peace Prize committee is out to reward
terrorists, but get this kiddo: Kerry was too small a potato to meet with
either of them. His "brief meeting" that the Swiftnuts alleged was their
spin on his being at the same conference & later claiming to have heard
their opinions (while sitting in large auditoriums with all the other

The Brinkley quote & the Edwards response were completely fabricated by
the Swiftnuts; it never even happened in a jesting "next those nutsack
Karl Rove catamites will be claiming" context. The election is OVER kiddo
-- the devil won, so be happy -- but really there's no longer even a
machievallian reason to keep lying about this. It's a very old hat.
Nevertheless behind-the-curve crackpots like yourself & rightwing would-be
stand-up comic & failed journalist Ed Moltzen, now reliant on his vanity
blog to be heard, put this back in the news a week late in the game, as
also the blogger "N.Z. Bear" who gets all his news from fellow rightwing
bloggers. By the end of next week probably all the loonier bloggers will
cut & paste the tale. On the same page where N. Z. Bear repeats the
Swiftnut fabrication verbatim from Wizbang & Moltzen blogs, there's also
an attempt to be funny asserting that the United Nations is an enemy of
America, that all his rightwing bloggers are credible but not even one
lefty blogger makes any sense, cuz this crank lives exclusively on the
far-right side of the blogosphere & knows nothing about the actual world,
& is at best a whimsical & impotent jackass. And so of course you'd

The evening news casters are now aware of bloggers & they liked being
quoted during the campaign. It made them feel powerful. Day after the
election, though, the hits at their blogs dropped by about 90%. So of
course they're being all antic & silly in their repetitions hoping to
regain some attention. Maybe they'll get it in 2008, unless they're still
jabbering nonsensically about Swiftnut smears being the only truth on

I'd think you'd be RELIEVED to know the Nobel Prize, the United Nations,
the Paris Peace Conference, & John Kerry are not dastardly enemies of
America. It's so strange to me that people with enough gray matter to
learn to type would rather just stay paranoid & stupid.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
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