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Old 15-05-2007, 11:59 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham Charlie Pridham is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 412
Default Seed compost recommendation

"Stewart Robert Hinsley" wrote in message
In message , Charlie Pridham

"La Puce" wrote in message
On 14 May, 14:15, "Charlie Pridham"

To the degree that peat is treated as a renewable resource, then like
biomass as a power station fuel, it is carbon-neutral. But if it's
extracted faster than it's forming then the above applies.
Stewart Robert Hinsley

My understanding is that in certain areas they are able to extract in a
sustainable way with the peat reforming at the same rate as they extract it
(this seems particularly true of moss peat's rather than Sedge peat's),
other bogs are not able to be harvested in this way and should therefore be
protected. The companies extracting have also been able to modify the
methods used to enable faster replacement and are having to look to
sustainable methods as new licences are increasingly difficult to obtain.

It seems most things we do in the environment would be fine if there were
not so many of us doing it, and there seem to be no volunteers to be the
first to stop :~)
Charlie, gardening in Cornwall.
Holders of National Plant Collections of Clematis viticella (cvs) and
Lapageria rosea