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Old 15-12-2008, 06:02 AM posted to
wendy7 wendy7 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
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Default Sarcochilus Elizabeth

Thanks for the advice Pat & I will check out your website.
Cheers Wendy

"Pat Brennan" wrote in message
Wendy, I grow them in a phal house against the south wall. Light is
somewhere between phal and cat levels. In the winter the spot is a little
cooler than normal phal temps. The spot is too hot for them in the
summer, but it is always fall and too late before I think about moving

I had to go to my website to see if we currently had any up. We do, but
while I was at the site I found a couple of errors. I will try to get
them corrected over the next couple of days. In addition to the errors, I
am not sure what to say about Elizabeth. I imported flasks labeled
Elizabeth 'Red Delight'. They have not been blooming out consistent as
can be seen be comparing the picture I posted here and the picture I am
using on the site. Either there is something about 'Red Delight' that
makes cloning hard or the flasks were mislabeled and it is really a
selfing of 'Red Delight'. I guess I need to contact the lab.


"Wendy7" wrote in message
Very nice Pat, pretty colour. How do you grow yours?
Do you sell plants?
Cheers Wendy
"Pat Brennan" wrote in message