02-01-2009, 03:25 AM
posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 96
Roundup Zero effectiveness on Kikuyu grass lawn
Lol Baking soda. It has so many applications.
"PhilC" wrote in message
YMC wrote:
I have one section of my garden which is covered with Kikuyu grass. I
want to kill all that grass using roundup and zero. How long must I use
it before I erradicate it 100% completely?
First the tree hugging green organic way
Have been watching this thread as down south the stuff is a HUGE pest and
has taken over the wetlands no end
From an old trial paper in NZ
Conclusions and
It is clear that all of these herbicides have some effectiveness in
kikuyu without affecting L. oleraceum . Particularly good control is
by Targa Centurion with Conqueror crop oil, Gallant with Uptake
and Fusilade with Conqueror crop oil. Because Gallant was the only
herbicide tested with label directions for treatment of kikuyu it is
recommended that this be used with Uptake at the following rates to
Knapsack, 60 mL/10 Lwith 100 mL/L Uptake
Gallant concentrations;
Water rate of 500 L/ha
(NZ agrichemical manual 1998/99)
End of quote
another source http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7458.html
However, I have had success with baking soda and boiling water then dig
up the runners and just keep hitting hard
Also it does not like SALT But that may bring other issues later on for
your lawn unless you have access to heaps of gypsum