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Old 10-04-2009, 04:18 AM posted to triangle.gardens
KTTT KTTT is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 14
Default Building wooden containers

Richard Evans wrote:
Pat Barber wrote:

If you know any restaurant folks, most throw away
many five gallon buckets, which are ideal for plants.

Yes, I've been thinking about doing some dumpster diving behind Lowe's
and Home Depot.

You can go to any new construction site, paying attention to when they
do the drywall or painting so that you can pick up the throw-away
5-gallon buckets. The only drawback is that if you have a bunch of
these assorted color buckets on the deck, somehow, it doesn't look like
a anymore. :-)

Yes, Pat, you can go to (most of) these construction sites to pick up
stuff from the trash cans. Most of the time, they won't say anything.
But in some subdivisions where theft is a problem, the superintendents
might stop to ask what your business is if you don't look like one of
the workers. So act cool, like you are a ...Mexican. You can get all
the buckets you want. :-)

Lowe's also has these buckets for about 2.50 or 2.99. They still don't
look pretty but if you have a bunch of them in the same size and color,
it would not look so bad either.