Thread: Pond Rescue
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Old 31-07-2012, 03:54 PM posted to rec.ponds.moderated
JB[_6_] JB[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 104
Default Pond Rescue

On 7/30/2012 11:14 AM, a425couple wrote:
"JB" wrote in message...
My wife and I bought a home in 1984 and lived there 20 years before
moving into our current home. I built my first pond in 1998 and, with
knowledge ----- I had a pretty successful experience. ---
Several months back we noticed it was for sale. Then, a couple of
months ago, we saw a moving van parked out front. The house has been
vacant since.
---- My wife called the real estate agent for the house ---
I'm determined to keep the pond going as long as the powers on and the
water runs.
Once again, I'm ending with a question, What to do? What to do?

Yeah, always a tough question.
I tend to think it might be somewhat relevant,,,,
(sold probably 2004/5?)
Is it for sale by real estate agent working for the person
who purchased it from you?
Is it approaching foreclosure, in foreclosure, or bank owned?
(at either end of above, there is some motovation to
keep place looking decent. In the middle,,, sadly not!
And, that process can be very, very slow!)

Nope, the current owner bought from the people that we sold it to in
2005. I've no idea as to their financial situation but I do know that a
vacant house is a drain on one's finances.