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Eric Schreiber 20-04-2003 06:20 AM

Algae removal- SAEs, otos, or plecos?
(Allen Smith) wrote:

if you had just purchased the wisteria and
anarcharis, the bases of them were most likely rotten or close to
being rotten and perhaps that is why they were going after that

Quite possible - the wisteria was just bought, and the anacharis was
rescued from my big tank where it had floated loose from the
substrate. So high probability of stem rot in both cases.

They are hungry critters 3 of them in a 15 gallon would have probably
devoured the tank as you mentioned, I would have placed only 1 in a
tank that size.

Hmm. Maybe I should increase to a whole algae wafer each day. I've no
doubt they could eat it all!

Another criquite is that they were in with a betta which are voracious
(too strong perhaps), but well known snail eaters and harassers

The betta did indeed pick on them at first, but now he ignores them.
He makes great efforts to kill any fish I try to add to the tank, so
it's pretty much just him and the snails now.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the snails.

Oh, it wasn't bad. I enjoy them a lot and am glad I have them as
they're pretty interesting (finding snails interesting can't be a good
sign). Luckily I had several fake plants I could put in the tank to
make it look less bare.


Eric Schreiber 20-04-2003 06:20 AM

Algae removal- SAEs, otos, or plecos?
tose (LeighMo) wrote:

Is that the same as the "Pomacea Bridges" Mystery Snails?

The scientific name is Pomacea bridgesii.

Hm. Wonder how I screwed that up. Thanks, corrected on my web page.

I bet they were not real P. bridgesii. Did you get them at Petco?

PetSmart, so no doubt the same critique applies.

To make sure you are getting real bridgesii, see the
You have to look at the shape of the shell.

Well, I've just spent about 30 minutes studying the identification
guides there and comparing them to my snails. It sure looks like I've
got bridgesii. It's got the right shell shape, the door, the labial
tentacles. I've not seen the snorkel in use, but there is definitely a
structure where it should be. None of mine have laid eggs, so I can't
use that criteria.

Maybe Allen is on the money with the rotting stems theory.


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