#1   Report Post  
Old 10-05-2003, 04:32 AM
Timothy Richards
Posts: n/a
Default What is it.

I have something growing on my plants. It started on the swords and is now
on several other plants. It looks like the plant is putting out white hair
roots from the middle or sometimes the edge of the leaf. I have tried to
look at it with a magnifier and it looks like a fungus. What is it and how
do you get rid of it.
Tim Richards

  #2   Report Post  
Old 10-05-2003, 05:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Default What is it.

I have something growing on my plants. It started on the swords and is now
on several other plants. It looks like the plant is putting out white hair
roots from the middle or sometimes the edge of the leaf. I have tried to
look at it with a magnifier and it looks like a fungus. What is it and how
do you get rid of it.

Maybe it is fungus. Can you easily vacuum it out during water changes? If so,
it's fungus. Common in new tanks, or if you're overfeeding. If your tank is
new, the fungus will probably go away on its own. If your tank has been
established for a long time, reduce the amount you're feeding.

If it's difficult to remove, it might be staghorn algae. Post your tank
parameters and someone will probably be able to offer some advice.


  #3   Report Post  
Old 17-05-2003, 05:20 AM
Timothy Richards
Posts: n/a
Default What is it.

The ph is 7.5, GH is 11, KH is 6, N)2 is .3, and the NO3 is 0. I have two
55w compact flour at 5500K on a 30 gal tank that is two months old. Algae
bloom lasted about a month and is now clear.
It is planted with Melon Sword, three common Swords, Red Ocelot Sword, and
Marble Queen sword. It also has
Chain Swords, Ludwigia,Cabomba,and Java Fern. Fish consist of two Clown
Loaches and two German Blue Rams(both for snail control), Thread Fin
Rainbows, pair of Swords, Pair of Red Mollies, two pair of Von Rio Tetras
which have spawned and I have one offspring, about ten various shrimp.
'White stuff on leaves has quit growing and I don't see any new patches.

  #4   Report Post  
Old 19-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default What is it.

Fish consist of two Clown
Loaches and two German Blue Rams(both for snail control), Thread Fin
Rainbows, pair of Swords, Pair of Red Mollies, two pair of Von Rio Tetras
which have spawned and I have one offspring, about ten various shrimp.
'White stuff on leaves has quit growing and I don't see any new patches.

usually it's food that is rotting on whatever it lands on... you may be
feeding too much, another reason you'll continue to have snails, and BTW,
BGRs do not control snails... they eat them when you crush them, and will
even snap at them but their mouths are TOO small to actually hunt down
snails.... I have one, I know...

your clown loach IS the main, if not the only predator of snails....

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