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FragileWarrior 02-05-2007 08:34 PM

Heating Seeds On Fridge?
Persephone wrote in :

On Wed, 2 May 2007 18:31:26 +0000 (UTC), FragileWarrior

Persephone wrote in

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 18:36:31 +0000 (UTC), FragileWarrior

Persephone wrote in
news:ILGdnRGSru7msKvbnZ2dnUVZ_vzinZ2d@adelphia .com:

On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:37:21 +0000 (UTC), FragileWarrior

zxcvbob wrote in news:59lbftF2j2tvaU1

The best results I've ever had was this year when I took some
unusually-hard-to-sprout pepper seeds to work, planted in a
Tupperware container and put them on the back of my computer

during the days. I took them off at night and removed the lids
and let them cool off and breathe. I got almost 100%
germination in about a week and the seedlings are now strong and
healthy. Last year the same seeds took almost a month to get
maybe 10%

and the seedlings were weak not a single one survived. The
bottom heat was the only difference.

Funny you should mention that. When I make no-knead bread I put

my computer monitor to rise -- works like a charm. :)

Dang, cain't do thet nohow on flat screen...

Mebbe heating pad on low setting?


For the seeds or the bread? :)

I've heard of people using that for seeds.

Hmmm...seeds, I guess. Never made no-knead bread.
A friend of mine used a bread machine, but I don't know if that
qualifies for "no-knead".

Nope. No bread machine or long bouts of kneading needed for this
bread. It makes fantastic bread, too. Here you go:

Best-selling cookbook author Mark BIttman is the creator and author of
the popular New York Times weekly column, "The Minimalist," and one of
the country's best-known and widely admired food writers. His flagship
book, How to Cook Everything, is currently in its fourteenth printing
and has, in its various formats, sold over a million copies.

Mark is also a regular guest on the “Today” show and NPR's “All Things
Considered” and has also appeared on countless national and local
radio and television shows. He has been profiled in this country's
leading newspapers, including the Boston Globe, Washington Post, and
Los Angeles Times.

No Knead Bread – Original Recipe
Yield: One 1 1/2-pound loaf

[snip actual recipe]

Thanks!!! That sounds do-able!

Now: Why, in fact, knead bread? Looking for a "scientific" answer
to the purported virtues of kneading over no-kneading.


I'll pass on that one. :)

William Rose 02-05-2007 10:39 PM

Heating Seeds On Fridge?
In article , Persephone

Unleashed, I could froth on for infinite bytes.

Another name for fascism is "privatizing" the public sector, also called
privatizing the profit and socializing the cost.

Why are so many Mexicans coming to work in the US? Look at the farm
our subsidized corn is cheaper than they can grow it. They have to do
something to feed their families. Adios Chiapas, Buenas dias Rio Grand.
It kind of reminds me of the enclosure acts in Europe , when the peasants were
kicked off the common lands, where they could raise food and, were
forced into the cities to become cheap labor.

It's not just foreigners coming here and taking American jobs it's also
Americans choosing to send work out of the country to foreign workers.
What's the difference?

The average CEO gets 600 times the salary of the worker?

I'm so frothed out, I can't even spit.

But I digress . . .

I still don't need to replace my driveway or septic line.

Everything seems to be germinating in slow motion. I've already planned
out the next tray to germinate. Actually, I do two at a time and just
rotate them in and out every 12 hours. But it appears that the plants
benefit from being under the lights even after they have sprouted. I
hope I can wait until I have substantial leaves on the trays I'm doing
now because they are the heart of the garden, peppers and tomatoes.
Ihave some zuchs and cucumbers that avoided my faux pas with the earlier
germination trays when I fried most of my original seedling by leaving
their trays in the sun for three hours with the tops on. Had a gentle
rain last night, two days ahead of the weather-guessers estimate, so I
won't need to water today.

- Bill
Cloribus gustibus non disputatum (mostly)

greenehawke 03-05-2007 05:32 AM

Heating Seeds On Fridge?
On Apr 29, 10:55 pm, Usenet2...@THE-
I have been procrastinating about starting from seeds. But there
is no time like the present. Especially inspired by the recent
thread about it.

Anyway, I have seen some people talk about heating pads. But,
would it work OK to just put the the seed tray on top of the

It is getting towards winter here, in another month. And I only
heat the room where I am personally located. It can get rather
cold in the kitchen at night.

Note that, my local climate is OK for spinach, broccoli, etc, to
go outside during winter. They just grow slow.


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It never occurred to me to use the top of the refrigerator! The cat
used to like it up there when it could get up that high in his younger
years. A great idea for us to try next season. In the sunny south we
are already out in the field and greenhouse with most plants. temps
in the high 80s today.

my first post to this group.
I am really glad I found you!

Thanks for a TON of ideas. is my new project your feedback is welcome.

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