Thread: Horseradish
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Old 08-06-2014, 01:14 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default Horseradish

In article ,

In article , Peter James
Spider wrote:

On 07/06/2014 21:15, Janet wrote:

Something we enjoy a lot with beef, beetroot etc. So, I acquired a
small root, potted it up and it's growing away nicely.

The question is; is it a rampageous spreader I would regret letting
loose in the garden, or should it be held captive (perhaps in a large
buried pot)?


Mmm .. great stuff! I doubt it will ever take over the world, despite
its WMD status, but it is a tasty thug best confined to a large pot.

I stopped growing it the day I lifted a root and grated it to make a
sauce to accompany a roast joint of beef.

Never, ever again. It makes onions benign in comparison. People who
grow this stuff should be reported as an environmental hazard!

Wimp :-)

We grow it in a narrow border between the house and the drive whence it
cannot escape. Every couple of years, we dig up a root, grate it and
store it in jars in vinegar. Then, when we want some sauce to go with
beef, take a couple of spoonfuls and mix it with double cream. Yum!

Thanks for tip Malcolm.
Now I'm lusting after horseradish sauce....
