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Old 11-08-2014, 02:07 AM posted to rec.gardens
Higgs Boson Higgs Boson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 918
Default Racoons in sweet corn - how to NOT

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 12:30:53 PM UTC-7, Frank wrote:
On 8/10/2014 2:35 PM, Higgs Boson wrote:

On Sunday, August 10, 2014 11:27:03 AM UTC-7, Higgs Boson wrote:

On Saturday, August 9, 2014 7:43:59 PM UTC-7, wrote:

Mothballs? Tonite I have a flashing light and on-off with the flashes radio.

I don't have corn, but I have raccoon and it is making my life hell! The ******* is so bold that when OP in household saw him in side yard, he actually STARTED TO APPROACH, like "what's for dinner" !!!

Until I closed up the cat door, raccoon would come in at night, mess up the cat's water dish, eat his food, and for all I know, take a nap. Now a problem for cat to come & go! Have to leave my BR window partly open to dark yard!

One night I came into the kitchen late and this

(hit Send by mistake)

HUGE creature rushed by, brushing against my legs -- fortunately no injury -- and rushed out the back door! So much for leaving the door open to computer room when working late!

OP says another time he SAW raccoon dragging the plastic cat food container TO THE CAT DOOR but unable to get it past. Huge claw marks on containers. (Gotta say he's not dumb... figuring that out!)

Our city's animal shelter used to send someone out to capture varmints, but will not do so since many years. Also used to lend humane cages, but stopped doing that as well. Buying humane cages is very expensive!

Wish I still had my son's old .22!

(Thanks for allowing me to vent...


I've had them up on the deck at night and even opening the door and

yelling at them the last time they refused to leave. I went back and

got firecrackers to toss at them and that did it.

Another time I squirted them with wasp and hornet spray.

Hey, that brings something to mind! Somebody told me that**** spraying X around the doorstep*** would deter them. It wasn't either of the above; would anybody know? It's worth a try.

I'm in bed when it tries to come in later at night so I can't spray it. Besides, I would be scared to death -- the CLAWS on those critters! So maybe anointing the doorstep would send a message

Both time, they did not come back.

Aw, I bet you miss them cute lil' critters!

I would not have a cat door. Neighbor that did found one in the kitchen one day.

I've always had indoor-outdoor cats. Would not keep a critter penned up inside 24/7. During raccoon attacks, I have to block up cat door and let cat use my BR window.

Like I said, Hav-a-hart trap. Get the biggest one. Catch and release or kill depending on local laws.

Ever PRICED one of those things!!! Not in my budget; I wish!