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Old 18-08-2014, 10:11 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Tom Gardner[_2_] Tom Gardner[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 198
Default Knotweed running under drive/patio

On 18/08/14 21:31, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Martin wrote:
On Mon, 18 Aug 2014 16:32:40 +0100, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Tim Watts
On 17/08/14 21:44, Vir Campestris wrote:

Perhaps the following might be of interest - if you have knotweed your
house is almost certainly unsaleable, and possibly uninsurable.

With all due respect, that view is overblown hysteria.

Well said. Indeed, it is the worst kind of scaremongering and is to be
deplored on this public newsgroup.

Meanwhile as part of Asian week Lidl in The Netherlands is selling cheap pots of
bamboo plants. Think of the problems that is going to cause.


At the corner of my road there is something coming up through
the asphalt pavement. The asphalt has been lifted maybe 1cm
and penetrated by the plant. Currently the shoots are shredded
and apparently dead, but when they were new and alive I formed
the impression they were a bamboo-type plant. The big clue was
the 8ft high bamboo on the other side of the wooden fence,
maybe 2ft away.

That might be considered to be "mildly invasive".

There are no bamboos that are more than mildly invasive outside
the very warmest parts of the UK (and the Netherlands is similar
to the south-east). Furthermore, they have to compete with
11,000 years of plant immigration, and the survival of the most