Thread: what's up
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Old 23-08-2015, 06:19 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
phorbin phorbin is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2008
Posts: 544
Default what's up

In article , says...
songbird wrote:
Terry Coombs wrote:
I've been trying to get borage (and other stuff) started here ,
supposed to bloom later than most of the stuff here . I need
something that blooms into the summer heat , we have a dearth of
nectar sources after about mid-July , and often no nectar flow in
the fall . Bees gotta eat , and feeding them sugar syrup gets
expensive .

if you don't have meadowland/open areas i'm not
sure how well most flowering plants i can think of
will do.

I have power line easements about 60-80 ft wide thru the woods , they get
pretty good sun .

bee balm and the related bergamot are later

I planted some bee balm , never came up - maybe next spring .

Ask around.

People with an established patch will likely divide it and share.

My wife is a gardener and she's always ...'sharing' one colour or another of
monarda with new clients.

....She just passed by and said that once you 'get the borage started it'll just
seed, and that'll be good.'

We've planted perennial herbs that are supposed to be good in zone 5 and
they've not reproduced for years... 'thought we'd never plants for harvest and
then they seem to figure our climate out and we're away.

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