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Old 09-10-2015, 11:39 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default where has everybody gone?

On 09/10/15 11:08, Sacha wrote:
On 2015-10-09 07:13:31 +0000, Bob Hobden said:

"Emery Davis" wrote
stuart noble wrote:

I've been wondering the same thing. Sacha?


and Twitter.

I've joined two or three gardening groups on Facebook. There are many
and all cater to particular interests or general gardening interest.
Some have professionals as members and most have enthusiastic and very
knowledgeable gardeners, including some who open their gardens for the
NGS. I've also got a Facebook page for the Nursery and a Twitter
account for the same reason. I learned rapidly that Fb is what you
choose to make of it. You can have a closed group which only members
can read and groups which are moderated or groups which are open to the
whole world. Same goes for your own page. You can easily block people
you don't wish to associate with and delete posts you feel to be
inappropriate for whatever reason.

I was extremely wary to start with but frankly, you are as much master
of your own fate there as you are on any newsgroup.

I hate f*c*book (you can choose the letters yourself!). I even miss out
on many photos of the grandchildren because I refuse to use it. It just
reminds me of an infectious disease.

It all started when I got an email from Facebook a couple of years ago
welcoming me to it. I couldn't understand why I'd got the email, as I
had no interest in it. AFAIR It seems an old friend had joined Facebook
and one of the email addresses he'd given them as a friend was mine. So
an account had been set up under my name. Several links were given in
the email, one apparently to delete the account. But I couldn't; I could
inactivate it (I think), but the only person who could delete it was my
friend (maybe by removing me as a "friend"?). I didn't bother trying
anything more. I just blocked anything from Facebook with my Win7
firewall and the modem/router firewall, so I have no idea if they ever
tried to get me to join up again.

And if you think they are safe and secure, try the following Google
1. "hack" and "facebook"
2. "hack" and "twitter"

and compare the number of results with "hack" and "usenet".

