09-01-2016, 09:28 PM
posted to aus.gardens
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2015
Posts: 23
soil gas
On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 11:07:34 +0800, "Bloke Down The Pub"
"Jeßus" wrote in message
.. .
On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 08:55:24 +1000, "SG1" wrote:
wrote in message
VI is the migration of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into
buildings with a potential for health risk due to exposure. Our staff is
experienced in addressing vapor intrusion VI issues through multiple lines
of evidence, including sampling groundwater, soil gas, sub-slab air and
indoor air, and considering building construction model, site geology and
site historical data.
My middle son is good at producing methane.
Presumably he is assured a long and prosperous career in politics.
My wife objects to my "vapor intrusion" which is why I spend a fair bit of
time outside in the garden. Win Win