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Old 24-09-2017, 07:10 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm (was: Today's due diligence

Derald wrote:
the water access. Now, the wading pool put out there for the cats'
benefit or the watering stations in the garden are different stories.
The signs I put up don't do any good so I just live with it.

they are completely non-destructive here as far as i
can tell. it helps that we do not plant sweet corn and
have the onion starts inside the fenced gardens. before
when we planted those outside the fence the raccoons
would sometimes pull some of those up (fish ferts in the
potting mix attracts them is my guess) - they'd not eat
or damage the onions themselves, but leave them on the
ground nearby.

by far the deer, chipmunks and groundhogs do a lot more
damage to gardens but i try to get along with them before
engaging lethal methods. if we'd done a better fence i
think that would have helped, but i'm not willing to redo
the fence, yet... more likely i will fence a new area
if i get frustrated enough. we'll see...
