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Old 26-01-2003, 06:04 PM
Wendy B G
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Default Best Grass for an Active Dog?

Hey that stuff's neat!! How do you install it - shred up an area, put them
down and then plant seed?

I would expect E.P. Henry to provide instructions.

I happen to love the rounded-edge, mottled look of pavers. Rod has installed 2
backyard patios, a path, and a driveway out of pavers. I think they are
beautiful :-).

The key to keeping an area of pavers level is to provide a stable, level
underlayment. Because of this, you wouldn't want to shred the ground below. You
would want to keep it solid, to provide a firm footing. Then you put builder's
sand and firm that in. This will prevent possible uneven settling of the earth,
which would displace the pavers.

The pavers are 2" thick. Rod dug down about 5" (we hired a front-end loader for
the driveway), then put in 3" of builder's sand. The pavers lie on the sand.

For open-grid pavers, stable underlayment would be important. They are larger
than the "cobble type" pavers, so uneven settling would displace the edge even

If I was doing the job, I would put in 3" of sand. Then I would lay the pavers
on top of the sand. Then I would fill the open grid area with 2" of good
topsoil, add grass seed, and water. I would expect the topsoil to subside about
0.5". This would keep the root area of the grass below the top surface of the
pavers. Then, when the dogs run over the pavers, they won't scrape the grass.

Wilmington, DE (Zone 7)