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Old 06-06-2003, 07:32 PM
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Default Where to find day laborers in Austin?

JETman babbled and bored us in

Carol Adams wrote:

I've held off on commenting on this thread because I've felt that my
sentiments would be unpopular. But, I must say that I find Mapanari's
references to "Meskins" and all of the commentary below (except Nell's)
offensive with respect to how these remarks denigrate Mexicans. If
similar comments were made denigrating women, African Americans,
Asians, Russians, Canadians, Presbyterians, etc., our society as a
whole (individual and special-interest-group exceptions excluded) would
find them quite unacceptable.

Flame me if you want to. I just felt that I had to protest the way some
of the participants in this list characterize people. Like it or not,
illegal Mexican workers in the US are a fact of life. And they are no
less human (perfect/imperfect) than you and I are. They just happen to
have a much less fortunate living situation than we do.

I also think that it's very convenient for us as individuals and for
the US economy in general that these workers are willing to do work
that most of us don't want to do, and to do it for a rate of pay that
we would not even consider. For example, would you want to work in a
slaughterhouse? for minimum wage? not reporting the accidental
amputation of your right arm because you had no medical coverage and
were afraid of being deported?

In a related note, interestingly, very few of us don't eat meat.

My $0.02... thanks for listening.


Ho hum.

Again the typical liberal antidote... Do Nothing!

Well honey, if you can't remove your blinders and seed the truth, may
you just enjoy basking in your ignorance. Or is it stupidity, another
commodity so familiar with liberals?

Every one of your propositions have been debunked more times than I care
to remember so " acceptance" of illegal activity is ok, eh?

"Meskins" is not a perjorative word except in the eyes of the easily offended
and the wannabe overly sensitives.
It's a made up word and if I called them "Water Buffaloes" he'd be screaming,
moaning and whining about how I'm disparaging all wonderful meskins because
it's a vieled racial slur regarding being "wetbacks".....see, wet+ backs =
water + buffalo = horrible racism!

Actually, I think meskins are really Beefaloes~! Good to eat and less fat!
No, actually we should call them White Nigers! Yah, that's the ticket!
Everyone immediately starts calling the NAACP to complain about my racism
but I simply mean white people who live in Niger...and for those highly
stupid and uneducated liberals, there really is such a country. I wouldn't
ever be accusing of being niggardly with my prose, wood I?

I call them meskins because to call those hordes of rats streaming over our
border in as mass economic refugee herd of "Mexicans" is to do diservice to
all loyal Mexicans who live and work and stay in Mexico, trying to make it a
better country rather than packing up and sneaking illegally over the border
to such our welfare system dry and live off of earnings and social security
that they hardly pay into.
Real Mexicans I respect....these low life criminal diseased quick-buck
artists and drug dealers I call "meskins" because they don't deserve my
respect nor the priveledge of being called by their proper name.

Just as they call us all gringos and yankis, I call these rats meskins.

But hey! According to liberals, meskins, the most racist of all immigrants
against blacks, it's ok for them to call us funny names and make fun of the
white men and their masters while they beg for more welfare and subsidized
housing, but not for us to make funny names of them.
The old double standard, racist in itself and pedantic to the extreme.


It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both
incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by
twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.
-- Rod Serling