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Old 15-07-2003, 05:32 PM
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Default Mr Lincoln's WOW!

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 20:49:57 -0400, Henry

My experience is similar. Mr. Lincoln was one of the first roses I put
in and I really liked the color and fragrance (which was quite strong).
Now, however, my tastes have changed (I'd say refined but that is

Let's just say "diversified!" I hate that there are fashions in things
like roses and philosophy. I think the notions of "in style" and "out
of style" should be confined to the realm of apparel, where it is
easier for me to soundly discount them. Sometimes people love things
because they are fine or beautiful or somehow in and of themselves
appealing, and sometimes it is because, well, they are the hippest
things to like. I know you are in the former camp. For those in the
latter camp, having an obscure pre-1860s rose with a French name is in
and of itself a motivation. Tres chic, don't you know! And then there
is the fiction that many OGRs are more disease resistant than moderns,
so that the crowd who pooh poohs modern roses on principle may also
hop on the very self righteous anti-chem crowd. So alluring. G I
know I am a contrarian, but in my view while beauty, quality, and
functionality are worthy things, status seeking in and of itself
sucks. It is all about elevating one's self by denigrating others. The
last refuge of the pathetically insecure. End of tirade. Gosh I feel
better now. And no, Henry, I am not saying that you are of the latter
pack. Just offering my usual innocuous observations on that lovely
creature, Human Nature!

I prefer the look of old roses, particularly bourbon and
noisette forms as well as the simple elegance of single (i.e. five
petaled) roses. I don't really care for the hybrid tea bloom. Sure,
it's pretty but to my eye, there are much prettier flowers out there.

It's all about what we like. I love the classic hybrid tea form best.
Many ogr bloom forms look sloppy to me. They just don't give me that
... oooomph ...... wow...... thing. I do like some singles--Mutabilis
and one that is so purple with golden stamens called something with Le
and Sultane in it. Will find it later and post a link. I also love
Austins--they do not look like ogrs to me, nor do they look like hts.
I imagine Sonia Rykiel, a so-called Romantica rose, with its quartered
bloom has an ogr form. I do like that rose, but more for the combo of
the soft raspberry shade, strong fragrance AND the quartered form than
for just the form.

still have a few hybrid teas but Mr. Lincoln is gone and mostly
forgotten. I'm in denial, however. I didn't shovel prune it, I just
moved it during last summer's drought and forgot to water it...

Don't let this discourage you if you like Mr. Lincoln. It is a lovely
flower and if it is what you like, grow it. This is one of the greatest
things about roses. The extent of flower variation is nothing short of
amazing. Trying to get consensus on what the prettiest is would be like
trying to get consensus on the best painter or author of all time.
Tastes vary. Viva la difference.

Yep! There you go! We do agree.

About dark green foliage--have you seen that of the climber New Dawn?
Small leaves, but wow! Dark dark green and so shiny!

My New Dawn cutting that I was given this spring is growing well, has
had a single bloom and now has three small buds.

You are gonna love those tiny dark green so-shiny leaves, Henry!! They
appear impenetrable, which suggests disease resistance. Hell, mine
still has leaves after the two-month deluge, so I guess it is.
