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Old 17-07-2003, 03:25 AM
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Default Setup for outside lotus container or pond

I bought two of the containers.
Mine have water plants in them ... but the lotus bog
you are talking about sounds like a composite of the
entire thread..... LOL! No problem with that.

It sounds doable. I would bury the preform next
to the pond. Fill with pond water - then plant the
lotuses into round pans/pots. I would put plain garden
soil in the pots. Just lay the tubers on top of the soil and
place a flat stone on top. The roots will grab hold -
sort of plant themselves. Don't fertilize yet.... I would wait til
spring to do that. I would put a couple of bricks in the
preform and then set the containers in it. Ease the pots
into the water. I would be sure to use Mosquito
Dunks in the water.... and an air stone. Lotus do like
aeration and the air stone will provide that.

I can't think of anything else .... let us know if you have
any other questions.


"claude rogers" wrote in message
Lowes sells a small pond, it's about 27 inches across, round, black, 12
inches or 24 inches deep, 2 different kinds. I think it was Nedra, don't
hold me to that, who said to bury it just outside the pond, I like the

of that. Question is, after the dirt and plant and gravel and stuff, do

just fill it with water from the pond or do you run some sort of

of pond water to it and back into the pond or is this seperate unit all
together, and if so won't it draw mosquito's and grow stagnant. Maybe and
airstone or something?....Confused as usual....I tell you a little
secret....2 lotus for $10 sounds like a good deal until you have to figure
out what to do with them when you really didn't need them to begin
with...lessons learned the hard way...Claude