Thread: New Park.
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Old 22-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Jim W
Posts: n/a
Default New Park.

Bob Hobden wrote:

"Kay wrote in message
Do you have 'Community Involvement teams' - groups of local
representatives headed by a councillor, to help council know what local
people want - if so, get a representative on to that.

I'm on the "Focus Group" for the Park and it was the forthcoming first
meeting that prompted my question. I want to be prepared. :-)

No, that wasn't what I meant. I don't know if it's just a leeds idea or
national, but in each ward there is a group headed by a councillor with
representatives from, eg, Civic Society, environmental groups,
neighbourhood watch, voluntary groups for the elderly, residents'
groups, etc. The idea is that the council is able to consult the
community on what the community wants the council to spend their money
on in their area.

Nothing around here like that, we have had a public consultation exercise a
couple of years ago regarding the park and the new community centre. The
latter is now built, using up most of the money, and now attention turns
back to the park.

You must have some groups etc.. Think BTCV, mebbe local permaculture
groups? The Tree trust?.. Other conservation groups, Wildlife trust
etc.. WHat about hortic students and uni's etc. Theres a bit Hortic
college in Surry??.
( I Couldn't find a any specific LA21 information for your council area
but there are at least 2 in Surrey (Yes I KNOW its a huge county)..
THese aren't direct sources of funding but they are likley to KNOW about
partial funding or other sources within the Horticultural area?? BTCV
or uni/colleges might be sources of project contributions or input
labour tho;-)

Slightly less relavent but the BBC & RHS is trialling a new "master
Gardener" Scheme modelled on the American structure..