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Old 23-07-2003, 09:12 AM
Jim W
Posts: n/a
Default Butterfly Bush that doesn't work ???

mbb wrote:

My young sons' school has an (almost) surrounded quadrangle garden, a simple
lawned area with 3 or 4 mature buddlejas, a neglected pond, and some other
herbaceous beds.

I'm told that it's a pleasant area, but "the bushes don't encourage
butterflies". I know it's a subjective opinion, but might it be true? Are
there situations where the buddleja doesn't attract butterflies? Or is it
the local geography, perhaps?

regards, mbb

Butterly bushes are known for butterflies feeding on their nectar..

However you might bear in mind that butterflies also need other host
species to lay eggs, and as a food source for the caterpillars as well
as somewhere to pupate. Possibly these are not also present hence your
lack of butterflies?

You might equate this to a great fast food joint thats in the middle of
a desert and doesn't cater for kids.. No one would visit;-)

Possibly planting addtional butterfly loving herbaceous species and
planting makeing some of the lawn into a bed filled with a butterly mix
(such as from And also leaving weeds that are
beneficial to butterflies. I bleive Peacock butterflies need nettles for
the larva, for instance?
You could try changing cultivars or species of butterfly bush as
well.. I find B X weyeranii has a longer flowering season and it much
better for attracting butterflies..

Just a theory but makes sense to me;-)