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Old 03-08-2003, 07:43 PM
Archimedes Plutonium
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Default red clover grow whereever white clover grows

Matthew Montchalin wrote:

On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Archimedes Plutonium wrote:
|Wondering if red clover is as cold hardy and grow whereever white clover

I can't answer that one, but...

|I saw a picture of an Oregon field of red clover. But is red clover as
|cold hardy and drought resistant as white clover.

I am from Oregon, and I've seen clover that has green leaves and red
leaves, and white flowers and pink flowers. Is red clover the kind
with pink flowers? I think that the ones with red leaves often sport
white flowers. The most common clover I've ever come across, is the
kind with white flowers and green leaves. If it's not too much
trouble, could you give me some kind of URL so I can go take a
look at the thypes of clover you are referring to?

Can white clover cross with red clover?

I just sowed some Dutch white clover seed yesterday and anxious
to see how it will do. It was a recent land lot I had bought and
had a field of mostly thistles and some alfalfa. So if alfalfa thrives there

then I suspect clover will thrive. I think the world has it all backwards
where they try to have a lawn of grass and the clover is bad. They should
have a lawn of clover and tolerate the occasional grass. And instead of
killing all the broadleafs
to get at dandeloins, they should kill all grasses to get at crabgrass and

I no longer am inclined for posting pictures, Matthew. I have mostly Dutch
white clover and trefoil in my lawns. I do have some clover that is all
purple in
color-- stems and leaves purplish or violet color but the occupant used to
a professor horticulture from USD and would explain.

I am researching how to maximize clover and trefoil in my lawns via my
mowing behaviour. When to mow, how to mow in order to increase the
clover and trefoil population.

Archimedes Plutonium,
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies