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Old 05-08-2003, 04:17 AM
Pat Meadows
Posts: n/a
Default Compost ingredients?

On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 12:28:36 -0700,

Eggs don't have faces, neither does milk. However seafood does. These
people need to make up their minds.

It's simple - the generally accepted definitions go like

vegetarian - eats no dead animals (this is the simplest way
to express it), many eat both eggs and milk, some eat one
but not the other [1].

vegan - eats no dead animals and no animal products either
(no eggs, no dairy foods, usually no honey) Many vegans also
do not use leather, or other similar animal-based products.

It's somewhat irritating to vegetarians when those who eat
seafood or chicken (for instance) call themselves
'vegetarians' because this creates confusion.

You go to a restaurant and ask the waiter if a certain
entree is 'vegetarian'. He says it is, because the last
person who discussed it with him claimed to be a vegetarian
but wasn't disturbed by the chicken stock used in the you think it's OK for you (a vegetarian) and you
order it

[1] From Merriam Webster online (for the definition of a
vegetarian they say 'one who practices vegetarianism'):

Main Entry: veg·e·tar·i·an·ism
Pronunciation: -E-&-"ni-z&m
Function: noun
Date: circa 1851
: the theory or practice of living on a diet made up of
vegetables , fruits, grains, nuts, and sometimes eggs or
dairy products

[2] From Merriam-Webster online:

Main Entry: veg·an
Pronunciation: 'vE-g&n also 'vA- also 've-j&n or -"jan
Function: noun
Etymology: by contraction from vegetarian
Date: 1944
: a strict vegetarian who consumes no animal food or dairy
products; also : one who abstains from using animal products
(as leather)

Pat (not a vegetarian at the moment, but have been one in
the past and likely will be again in the future)