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Old 14-08-2003, 09:22 PM
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Default What's The Latest On Roundup Herbicide?

paghat wrote:

Rather, Monsanto gives bags & bags of money to Congressional campaigns,

They do?
Hey, Everybody! I'm running for Congress!!
Well, ok. I'm *walking* for Congress. It's kinda hot outside...
Well, ok. I'm not actually walking. I'm gonna sit here and let Congress come to
But I'm still accepting money.
It's the Patriotic thing to do...
And probably Religous, too. Since money is Evil.
So, I'll collect all that Evil Money and put in in a safe unevil place. Like a
Bank. That way, it's locked up and can't hurt anyone...
OH! And since it's evil, I promise to spend it on purely frivolous things so
that it won't hurt anything that really matters...
'cause that's the kind of guy I am.
VOTE GILRICK for Congress.
The Frivolous Spender Candidate.
After all, it's YOUR money I'm wasting.
Shouldn't it be wasted wisely?