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Old 02-09-2003, 02:02 AM
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Default The most toxic town in America (Monsanto)

In article , Salty Thumb

"Dave Gower" wrote in

"Salty Thumb" wrote

Do not grow vegetables from soil imported from Anniston. Use
discretion when using soil or water from or near former PCB chemical
factories. Be aware of ecological indicators of high PCB whether
they are thin bird shell eggs or incontinent pets. Polychlorinated
biphenyls are persistent chemicals that do not readily degrade
through natural processes but are readily distributed by the same.

Fine but how does this relate to "current discussion" on this
newsgroup? I just did a Google search and since 1998 not one person
has posted asking about the wisdom of using PCBs in his or her garden.

It relates to the current discussion because I am reiterating the point
made in the link of the initial post of the presence of PCBs in the soil of
Anniston. Do you know what gardeners use soil for, Dave? Now if there
isn't any further interest in discussing that fact, then the thread should
end here. If there are any tangental lines of interest, then they may
proceed at the discretion of the users of the group. If you find the
tangentals to be woefully off-topic, I suggest you deal that problem
locally, viz. learn how to operate your newsreading software; or if you
feel the need, complain to the address listed in the "X-Complaints-To:"
header of the offending post(s).

The real point Gower makes is only that it doesn't matter to him how much
harm a company is known to have done past or present, he will always find
a way to stick up for corporate interests cuz that's his god until an even
skankier one comes along. Having first taken the untennable stance that
"RoundUp is good" his answer to all Monsanto's history of appalling
destructive criminal behavior against humanity & the environment will
always be "RoundUp is good." Nothing else matters. Cuz RoundUp is good.
When eventually it's on the junkpile of stuff that killed a lot of people
& no longer legal to sell (like so many past Monsanto bonanza products)
then whatever is next in line to be "safe" & highly profitable will be
good enough to keep on excusing Monsanto.

I seriously doubt anyone here needs you or anyone else to police the group
by insisting on what is or what is not 'on-topic'.

If anybody disagrees with that, feel free to voice you support by adding
"Dave Gower You Are My Hero Thank You For Saving Me From The Evil Crazy
Radical Lunatic Organic Hippie Anti-business Did I Mention Evil Nutjob
Salinated Disembodied Finger Crackpot Crazy Rodent-loving Freak-shows!"

You radical environmentalists are truly bankrupt.

Wow, you are ssssssooooooooo smart!

But by "bankrupt" Gower likely means only that Monsanto is getting rich
killing people, while envionmentalists' unwillingness to kill people means
most of 'em will die poor. It's a Monsanto "neener" -- sure they killed &
injured people & places, but in this worldview, the only thing that isn't
bankupt is the highest possible profitability.

-paghat the ratgirl

-- Salty

P.S. Hi Paghat.

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl: