Thread: Roundup Unready
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Old 04-09-2003, 02:32 AM
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Default Roundup Unready

Preliminary studies have indicated glyphosate may cause non-hodgson's
lymphoma. But of course RoundUp consists of many more chemical ingredients
& admixtures than just glyphosate, & some of these chemicals or their
break-down components (including formeldehyde) are definitely
carcinogenic. And it is now proven that a key component of RoundUp,
Acrylonitrile, are definitively carcinogenic on the basis of completed
animal models. There is no REASONABLE reason to suppose this
animal-modelled carcinogenicity does not apply to humans. But expect
shills for Monsanto to reply to the known fact that RoundUp is a
carcinogen to be fed back as "The EPA has not agreed that glyphosate is a
carcinogen." True enough they're waiting for further studies to prove that
one definitively, but ROUNDUP as formulated is already a known carcinogen
thanks to the anti-drift additive Acrylonitrile.

EPA has categorized this chemical as a "probable human carcinogen." Expect
Monsanto to rely continuously on the word "probable" bent to their meaning
"not proven" therefore "not a fact." Monsanto is playing many word-games
behind the scenes with EPA which can only regulate Acrylonitrile through
the Clean Air and Clean Water acts -- Monsanto claims the presence of the
very thickening agents that break down into carcinogenic chemicals keep
RoundUp from "drift" so that it is not covered by Clean Water Act, & that
their label says not to use it near water so it is not covered by Clean
Water Act, & therefore Monsanto can poison us as much as it wants & EPA
can't do a ****ing thing about it, neener neener against EPA. Monsanto
concocts label instructiosn that have nothing at all to do with safe usage
& everything to do with legal language & evasions of criminal liability.
When people like Shillo pretend this means it is safely used "as directed"
this can only be understood (like the warnings on cigarette packages) as
evasions of criminal liability within the law, & not in the least an
indication of actual safety. Until the LAW defines it as unsafe, reality
doesn't matter, Monsanto expected to avoid class action suits no matter
how many cancer deaths they cause. Right now it is known that RoundUp
ingredients that are carcinogenic are stored in tubors like potatoes, but
there is no Clean Potatos Act, & EPA is helpless to act unless a
Republican Congress turns its back on big cash bonuses from Monsanto
coffers, & biting the hand that feeds Congress permits EPA and FDA to
actually protect the public.

In animal models this component of RoundUp caused forestomach squamous
cell papillomas, central nervous system microgliomas, mammary gland
carcinomas, Zymbal gland carcinomas --- in rats of both sexes. Even mere
inhalation caused Zymbal gland carcinomas, forestomach papillomas &
acanthomas, & central nervous system neoplasms in rats of both sexes.

There is no reason on earth not to expect the same range of cancerous
effects in humans from RoundUp. Because it is a proven carcinogen, & has
been known to be so for quite a long while. A twenty year study of humans
exposed to Acrylonitrile found increased incidents of prostrate cancers,
& cancers of the colon, lungs, stomach & brain. Shorter studies of workers
in a dozen plants that exposed workers to Acrylonitrile found increases in
lung & lymphatic cancers.

There are many sources among factory & chemical workers, or people who
live near chemical & artificial fibre factors, for Acrylonitrile exposure.
But for people outside the range of the chemical factories themselves, the
primary source of exposure is RoundUp. It is absorbed through the skin &
through the lungs.

The price on the open market for Acrylonitrile collapsed due to its
dangerousness, & it is used less & less in factory settings. But Monsanto
knew a deal when it saw one & has more than picked up the slack for
guaranteeing human exposure to this cancerous agent.

A further toxin which damages the neurological system is Acrylamide which
derives secondarily from RoundUp decay in the environment, & is stored
very readily in starchy & tubrous foods such as potatoes, to be released
during normal cooking. An article in Science, July 5, 2002, addresses this
threat to the human foodchain as a severe threat to the human foodchain, &
the World Health Organization has called it "Urgent" to pursue further
data. The Swedish researchers said they were "shocked" to find Acrylamide
pervasive in the foodchain. Peter Spencer, a neurotoxicologist at the
Oregon Health ^ Science at the University in Portland, holds that
Acrylamide is carcinogenic in humans because of DNA damage & tumor
mutations secondary to Acrylamide exposure. Epect Monsanto flacks & shills
to focus on the concept "secondary" to mean not actually caused by

Monsanto persists in their PR that these cancer causing agents in RoundUp
are "inert" & therefore harmless, & in any event exempt from EPA
regulation if not recommended for use near water & for aerial dispersion
(though in fact used near water & aerially dispersed with off-label
instructions), & besides that, their exact formulation being proprietary
is exempted by law from further scrutiny.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl: