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Old 09-09-2003, 08:22 PM
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Default Dangers & Falsehoods Surrounding Compost Tea

Aerobically brewed soul soup or compost tea has never been shown to have
even slight or occasional value in suppressing plant pathogens. There is
limited evidence of unpredictable benefits from non-aerobic teas. So OF
COURSE what vendors have to sell as a pathogen-suppressor is the aerobic
tea. Why do they do this when their claims might at least be justifiable
as exaggerations if it was NOT aerobically brewed?? The reason they select
the unproven is because it requires more equipment. You have to give them
more money to follow their advice!

DISHONESTY OF says: "Aerobically brewed SoilSoup is alive...whether
you are inoculating weed free potting soil, conditioning your garden soil
or foliar spraying for disease control, this simple to use system gets you
started." Yes, this outfit will sell you everything you need in their
SoulSoup Brewing System so you too can "innoculate" soils or make foliar
sprays for disease control that no study has indicated works even
occasionally for this purpose.

SoulSoup pructs are available in many nurseries.

Trust no one from SoilSoup or any vendor pitching SoilSoup systems. They
are trained liars.


"This concentrated liquid compost extract is the best way we've found to
feed the soil. The microorganisms are responsible for producing robust
plants, more resistant to insect and disease problems."

It is "a" way to fertilize -- the best way, no. No science supports the
claim that aerobic soil soups retard plant diseases. And they are NOT
pesticidal. So three lies in two sentences. Trust no one from American
Plant Food. They sell not only teas & equipment, but also the seminars to
spread precisely such lies & exaggerations as exerpted above.All these
companies require seminars as seminars are ideal for spreading "training"
gardeners to be easy marks believing sundry baseless claims. Be cynical of
any vendor repeating American Plant Food fabrications & exaggerations or
which are proud to provide flimflam seminars.

From ANN LOVEJOY, voice of nursery ownership, pitching the SoilSoup
company's brewing equipment which she never mentions she sells for a

"This aerobically brewed tea can help reduce or eliminate pests and
diseases....can protect foliage from many diseases, is the greatest
invention since compost, and that goes back thousands of years. The
miracle machine that makes this possible is a small, sturdy bioblender
that pumps oxygen into compost tea. I predict that within five years there
will be a tea brewer in every nursery, if not every garage."

Truth: The science indicates that NON-aerobically brewed tea MIGHT have
SLIGHT benefits in defense against some pathogens for some plants, but
aerobically brewed teas have never been shown to have these benefits.
This is why Ann has to call it a "Miracle" since it certainly isn't
science, & hyperbole about it being the greatest advance in gardening
since the middle ages is just badly written ad copy pure & strange. Her
strong focus on aerobically brewed tea for disease control -- one of the
things it is NOT good for -- shows the level of dishonesty deeply
ingrained into these self-deluded experts at retail & wholesale.

Lovejoy is very knowledgeable in many things so I cannot believe she has
failed to read at least the abstracts of the actual published science on
this, such as shows everything she has claimed here for AEROBIC compost
tea to be either false or unproven. Yet she says it because she has
controlling interests in a very nice nursery that sells brewing equipment
and teas. I strongly suspect she has investor interest in the SoulSoup
Company itself, since she never mentions any other company though hundreds
have sprung up as happens when any flimflam is new & easy to get off the
ground. So while on the one hand I'm sure she has DEEPLY convinced herself
she's not lying, & is in general not a bad person, this conviction of the
greatest miracle since halfway to Jesus originates exclusively in her
self-interest as a vendor, is not supported by any science whatsoever,
therefore is not a forgiveable type of accidental misinformation.


$300 for a SoilSoup bioblender kit. No tub; just the part that aerates. A
fifty-cent aeration stone from a petshop would do the same job, if the job
even needed to be done.

$25 for Bottle of nutrient solution, which you'll have to buy regularly,
making you a captive client (except not really -- you'll use this piece of
shit "system" a few times before it sinks in what a dupe you've been & it
goes in the back of the garage forevermore as impossible to get even
twenty dollars for at your next yardsale alongside the Magic Sandwich
Presser you bought off that tv ad).

$25 Tea bag that hangs on rim of tub. It's not like all you you're such a
loser you might just get by with a hunk of cheese cloth or worn out
underwear, you gotta pay $25 for a special sack you sweet all-day-sucker

$50 "SoilSoup System Plans". You can't even get the instructions without
extravagant fee!

$25. Ten pounds of their compost to make the tea which is just bound to be
WAY better than your crappy good-for-nothin' compost.

You still have to buy a mixing tub, an extension cord, hose hook-up, a
ground fault interupter (or this overpriced cheaply made piece of shit
will electrocute you). If you want it all as a kit complete with the tub
but a smaller motor, that'll be $500, but will exclude the $50 System Plan
since you won't have to put it all together yourself. And even then you
still need to buy some extra stuff! However, if you want the tiny version
that only makes about a paint-bucket's worth at a time, that's still a
whopping $325. So you can spend much more or slightly less, but on average
a typical system to do it at home, lacking everything you need, is $425.

It would be hysterically funny if not so appalling, but once you've
dragged this $325 to $500 pile of shit home, IT CANNOT BE USED
OUTDOORS!!!! Honest to shit! SoilSoup company warns to use it only in a
covered location (which is why Lovejoy announced it should be in every
garage) because the motor housing must never get wet! Holy cripes; & this
warning after another warning to use it only where it's okay for the
entire floor to get soaking wet. Just what we need, the garage floor
soaking wet, standing in our garden shoes in a puddle beside a bubbling
vat of water that can electrocute us if it gets wet.

All this amazing expense for crapola just to make compost tea which will
be inferior to non-aerated, & which you could've made for free in an old
laundry tub or plastic barrel with absolutely no need for special
equipment unsafe to use if wet, magic nutrients, extra special
our-brand-is-best compost, & a happy smile from hornswoggling vendors.

And with that $325 to $500 entry price, you have the reason for all the
lying about protection against disease (just for the biggest of the many
lies), followed up with lies about all the pricy equipment that should be
in every nursery & in every garage. Well, maybe in the back of the garage
never again used. And good leaping jehosaphat what a scam.

I still remember when Magic Light Box Glasses were being sold all over the
city. If you put the light box on your head & adjusted the flashing lights
for specific colors, you could cure any disease, restore perfect vision, &
become increasingly intelligent. But of course that New Age tinfoil hat
style flimflam didn't simultaneously benefit a facilitating industry, the
way the Compost Tea fad is facilitated by nurseries. This one I'm afraid
will be ripping people off for a long time to come.

--paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl: