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Old 12-09-2003, 02:02 AM
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Default Gulf of Mexico and health?

Its ironic that the ones hollering about the Gulf getting messed up
are the same ones with beachfront condo's with 90000000 sq yards of
asphalt parking lots surounding the places, and also those beach front
hotels that have asphalt and concrete all over the place because the
average tourist don't like walking in the sand and getting sand spurs
between their toes. The same ones that have all those jet skis and
other power boats for rental making a oil slick on the surface
wherever their at, the same ones that pay off congress and other
politicians to turn a blind eye while they drain wetlands and marshy
areas in the gulf region so they can add an addition to their 3,000
room hotel unit. Anymore if you visit the gulf if you don;t stay in a
hotel on the beach you can not even get anywhere near the beach as its
all private property, except for a very fewe so called public areas,
that are so overused and trashed its like being in a landfill. No, if
they want to save the Gulf they need to back these foolks up and clear
the beaches of the buildings and rip up all those parking lots and
condos, and put it back the way it was 20 years ago. The beach can dry
up or blow away for all I care, as I do not own beachfront property
and I refuse to get bunched up like a feedlot full of cows just to dip
my toes in the water, and I'll certainly not spend $165.00 a ight to
sleep in a hotel just to be confined to the htels section of beach
either, so what happens to the gulf has little impact on me. Thats
the way it is in the Florida and Alabama and Mississippi panhandle

On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 18:03:34 -0500, J Kolenovsky

x-If you live near it, read this -
x-J. Kolenovsky

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Roy aka Chipmaker // Foxeye
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