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Old 31-01-2003, 08:48 PM
Susan H. Imko
Posts: n/a
Default 30 Roses To Start A Garden With

Shiva wrote:

I sense a kindred spirit in you, Susan! At least in this respect.
Hopefully your reaction to bullying (something often done to "underdogs")
is not as black as mine.

I don't like bullies. Of any sort. I find I'm getting worse in my
reactions as I get older. I guess it was growing up in the military and
then moving to a small town where I was mercilessly taunted for talking
funny, looking different and, worst of all, not being from "there".
*blech* I grew up fairly shy and withdrawn and then I "got over that".

S.O. was commenting on a classmate yesterday who was told that it might
be an idea fro her to take an assertiveness course. Having not met her,
the s.o. described it as being akin to telling me I needed one.
*grin* THe s.o. then told me that the husband of the woman wanted the
name and number of the prof who did that to have a "little discussion"
with him if his wife decided she wasn't assertive enough and needed to
work on it. *big grin*

My neighbors have been known to laugh at me or claim I gross them
out when they see me picking the japanese beetle scourge off of my roses
on a twice daily basis during scourge season.

Ahh, what do they spend their time doing? You get what you pay for, in so
many ways, in so many areas of life. It's not that good things cannot be
easy--it's just that some of the best things are not.

Considering the fact that only one other neighbor on the street has any
landscaping waht so ever, absolutely nothing. The one neighbor that
does have plants in their yard is terrified of bugs and bats. I totally
freaked her out last summer when I casually mentioned that I wished I
could put a bat house in the yard. (Yard is too urban for bats so it
was only wishful thinking.) Believe it or not, that neighbor still
likes me!

Hee! I'm going to saunter up to a few of my underperformers and say "put
out or get out, baybee!" Actually, I am trying to give them each three
years to prove they are worth the trouble and garden real estate. But--at
times I just cannot. A scentless rose that also is stingy with blooms?
Unless the few blooms are HEAVENLY to look at, that rose is gonna have to
be gone.

You're a bad influence. *grin* I out in the yard earlier threatening
one of my roses. It's not doing as well as any of its immediate
neighbors and "bed mates" but when it blooms, the blooms are gorgeous
and beautifully scented. Frankly, I don't know what type of rose it is
as it was put in by the previous owners; hence my threats, it's now been
there three years and it's still puny. This summer I've made a promise
to myself that I will get out there with the digital or 35 mm camera and
get some pictures to get some help in identifying it. (I've also made a
pormise to myself of no more bloodclots in my leg to sideline my summer!)

I have two. Hard to imagine a more perfect creature in the world. Both are
rescues/former strays.

Three of mine are rescues while one is a pedigree Maine Coon. I always
wanted one and my ex "surprised" me (never got a b'day or any other
present from him before he decided I "wanted" a puppy) with a *very*
expensive puppy without first talking to me so I "surprised" him back
with a Maine Coon kitten. (She's now 10 years old and still a terror.
I still have her and the ex is long gone.)

They are all wonderful, but the other day it saddened me to see two of
those overbred persians--the ones that honestly look deformed because
their faces are so flat, it is as though they have no face?

Oh I now what you mean. *sigh* Major sinus, eye, mouth and breathing
problems. Too much inline breeding. Same thing that has made hip
dysplasia so common in many large dog breeds.

My acquaintance paid hundreds for these animals, to one of those
kitty mills, and the health problems bred into them have already meant
high vet bills. Meanwhile--thousands upon thousands of strays, many at the
no-kill shelters, healthy genetic mixes, all shots, spayed or neutered,
maybe $75. Here is my retirement plans: to become That Weird Old Lady on
the street who has about 900 cats. Only I want a vast mansion and full
time staff to care for them. And, hell, me too! G

Maybe we can be neighbors and start a "women who wear purple hats"
society? *grin* Definitely need staff for cleaning the house and
litter boxes. I more than willing to take care of the gardening and

I don't think it's possible for em to not want more cats. However, I've
been told that for the time being, we have enough cats. (I am working
from home this afternoon due to a sick kitten.) That is, until another
one spots the secret hobo type marks on the curb that indicates we're

I budget about $100 a season to blow on roses at frufru nurseries. You
know, where you pay $20-$25 for potted? I find I need to have that
little "thrill!" (My GOD but I am growing middle aged!)

*laugh* I totally understand you! It took me a long time to order
plants or books online mainly because I get such a thrill at finding
something I've been looking for or an unknown treasure in a quiet
overlooked corner.

Susan, we need to have a party here at my downtown Raleigh house. I have
40-year-old azaleas in one yard--many, many, many of them--that I hate
except for that ten days in April when they bloom in concert with the
dogwoods and globe kerria and such. They were not pruned at all by the
previous owner--so when I do, they are nothing but thick wood. Some say
azaleas should be replaced every ten years.

Are you saying their ten years are up? *grin* Next best fun to putting
in new plants or a new bed is ripping something up!

Yes, but then what will the s.o. do for exercise and skill sharpening if
there's no grass to mow in and around the various beds?

I have two words for you: ROSE HOLES!

The s.o. is also *quite* useful as chief kitty litter box cleaner and
taking care of miscellaneous car maintenance! Before someone accuses me
of being sexist or something, those are self-appointed jobs. Mine are
to cook, clean up the kitchen *blech*, and do most of the "handyperson"
type work around the house in addition to landscaping.

s h simko at duke dot edu