Thread: Wandering Jew
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Old 20-10-2003, 11:02 PM
Jim W
Posts: n/a
Default Wandering Jew

Burp wrote:

Funny story. Was in home depot with a co-worker. I was getting a pot for
some cuttings from a wandering jew plant. He asked why do they call it a
wandering jew plant I didn't know, so why do they call it that? Seems like a
bad name in these politically correct times is there a better name?
The plant I have is called a tradescantia zebrina.
Does anyone know how tall then can get? Goggle didn't help.
Can they get full sun like outside?
If I have a 10 inch pot about how many cuttings can I place in a pot? Does
each cutting make a new plant or do I need four or five in one pot so that
it looks bushy?

Cos it wanders? if you let it trail along groung it will root along the

A quick look on web reveals the biblical/mythological nature behind the
original phrase 'wandering jew' (bloke offended Son of God and was
cursed to 'wander forever' If anything one reads online is to be
belived that is..)

Height, Not much about 6 + inches at most.. Its more of a

Full sun.. Yes here in the UK but also do well in dappled shade.. I had
mine in a basket under a birch and have just moved it into GH against
the frosts.

If you're sun is 'really hot' somewhere like Texas etc then mebbe no
FULL sun!

It will bush up if you pinch the tips out, but a few more cutting sin a
pot give faster results. Flowers nice usually white a yellow in

Various other tradescantia's also nice, I have about 5 or 6 different