Thread: Fireworks
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Old 09-11-2003, 07:24 PM
Martin Sykes
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Default Fireworks

"Molly Bloom" wrote in message
Off topic, I know, but I'd be interested he know if others - apart from
myself - are being driven scatty by the relentless barrages of noise from
fireworks over the past weeks. I've no objection to people having fun but
lately - in this part of South London - the noise never seems to stop. And
occasionally it carries on to the small hours. People can be so


I've found spent fireworks in my garden and I daren't go out there after
dark in case I'm hit. I know neighbours are terrified and animals are
frightened but nobody seems capable of doing anything about this.

I'd appreciate some feedback before I complain to my local councillor -

that I expect that to do much good.


I don't have a problem with people letting them off on the 5th or even
during the closest weekend and I'm not going to complain with people
entering into the spirit of the occasion any more than I'd complain about
trick-or-treaters at halloween but I really don't see the attraction of
domestic displays. I spent £6.50 last night taking my daughter and neice to
the local Round-Table display. The fireworks were amazing and helped charity
at the same time. There was a massive bonfire, fairground rides, and food
stalls as well. Why on earth would anyone bother on spending hundreds of
pounds to have something far inferior at home?

I do think it's inconsiderate though to let them off on other nights. It's
all very well telling people to keep their pets indoors but it's not fair to
ask them to do that for a fortnight either side of bonfire night.

Martin & Anna Sykes
( Remove x's when replying )