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Old 26-11-2003, 03:12 PM
Cristian Cangaro
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Default [IBC] Cordia Myxa

Thanks Nina, Ok, tendre taken care of that expands and is a bad idea to introduce it aqui, in Argentina, but reason why you comment is a plant that has an important distribution of branches like cultivating it like Bonsai, if it is of slow growth, you you
do not know something on the culture. I burn

Gracias Nina, Ok, tendre cuidado que se expanda y sea una mala idea introducirla aqui,en Argentina, pero por lo que comentas es una planta que tiene una distribucion de ramas importante como para cultivarlo como bonsai, no se si es de lento crecimiento,ust
ed sabe algo sobre el cultivo?.Un abrasoCristian

I write to them because yesterday recibi three planitnes of CORDIA MYXA, brought it to the Argentina of seeds of Egypt, say that with the wood of this arbol towards the ataudes of the Pharaohs. If somebody knows well this species gustaria me who commentd
out on this plant. I burn for all Cristian Cangaro
Hi Cristian!
Cordia is used for rope (Cordia? Rope?), the leaves are used as cattle fodder in India, and the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known as "Assyrian plum". It is in the Boraginaceae and is considered an invasive weed. So you may be doin
g Argentina a terrible disservice by growing this plant: make sure it doesn't get loose!
Someone described it as "a small tree with large, entangled branches. Looking from the ground, it looks a crazy puzzle or a bird´s nest". That sounds promising for bonsai.
Hey Jim, it's introduced into Florida- ever seen it?
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