Thread: Mosquitos
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Old 23-12-2003, 08:33 AM
Sue Bilstein
Posts: n/a
Default Mosquitos

"Peter H.M. Brooks" wrote in message
Mosquitos seem a bit of a menace here, I'm used to them in Cape Town,
but the ones here seem to leave nasty and painful bites - maybe I am
being attacked by sand flies, I wouldn't know how to tell the

More likely mozzies, sandflies are rare in town. Sandflies are smaller,
compact, short legs, like big midges. You feel a sharp nip when they bite
you, whereas you don't feel mosquito bites at the time but they swell & itch

You will probably find that the bites bother you less as you build up
tolerance to the local variety.

snip mosquito-trap ideas

Any suggestions for other sources, instructions on how to build one,
or directions to a builder of this sort of thing in Auckland?

If anybody has tried all of the above and found that none of them work
I'd also be interested to hear - it might save a fortune!

The traditional mosquito-prevention method is to eliminate stagnant water,
or if that's not possible, pour a bit of kerosene on the surface to keep the
larvae from emerging. Not much use if you can't get your neighbours to do
likewise, and also not feasible if you live near bush. I've heard they can
also breed inside bamboo canes and suchlike.

Screens on the windows. Wearing long-sleeved shirt and long pants, with
mozzie repellent on your exposed bits (I use Repel brand). Bobs'
recommendation, or burn mosquito coils (from your local Chinese supermarket
or tramping/camping shop).