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Old 08-01-2004, 04:34 PM
Flash Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default What do you think of these fish in a 55G

On Thu, 8 Jan 2004 10:51:51 -0500, Harry Muscle wrote:
These are the fish I was thinking of putting in my planted 55G. Looking for
some feedback about whether it's too much, etc.

1 pair Siamese Fighting Fish

When you say "pair" do you simply mean two in number, or a male and
a female?

I wouldn't put them in anything as big as a 55g, I think there
was another threat recently about how unhappy they are in a
big space. Also, I've had two females which got along, but also
another one which didn't and had to be separated. And the male
would surely need to be separated. I'd leave Siamese fighters
out of a community tank to be certain.

1 pair Kribs
1 pair Swordtails
1 pair Guppies

Well I guess their fry would be live food for the others
if by pair you mean one of each. I've also heard that
because of their insatiable sexual appetite it's rather
cruel to have one male to one female - get one male to a
handful of females, so the lasses get some time off!

6 Cory Jullii
3 Clown Loaches
12 small Tetras (still have to determine which ones)

I find my kribs bully fish at feeding time and especially
if they have laid eggs. This is fine when they are bullying
clown loaches twice their size but I wouldn't like to keep
small fish in there. YMMV.

6-12 algae eaters (SAE and/or Ottos)
bunch of ghost shrimp (maybe)

I think those would get eaten, I'm not sure if the kribs
would dive in first and the clowns pull off any bits they
could, but I can see those getting chomped.

bunch of malaysian trumpet snails

My clown loaches manage to keep the population of these
down unfortunately so I never see any... not sure how
successful it would be.

P.S. If I actually have room for more, I was thinking of adding 4-6 zebra

Without wishing to comment on whether you have room for all those
fishes when full grown (simply because I havent kept them all
and also because I reckon you will have to change your selection
so it will be irrelevant) I would say you always have room for
4-6 zebra danios in a largish tank like that one.. because
they don't produce much waste so won't trouble the filter,
and zoom about in the top few inches of water - and I don't
think you've listed anything else that will be swimming that
high, the guppies perhaps.


Flash Wilson
Me: So what is Gary's title these days?
Mike: ****.