Thread: Hobby Ethics
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Old 16-02-2004, 04:12 AM
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Default Hobby Ethics

ok I have to sound off now. I love my fish and my aquatic plants. first of
yes hobbists contribute a small problem to the introduction of new species
but very minor.most intruduction does come from goverment experts (that's an
oxymoron). I also keep some exotic fish and plants but I do love my fish
enuf that if I get tired of 'em and my plants I will dig a hole in the
ground and put them in and that be that. most of the problem around the
coasts are from international shipping boats and barges. I detest laws that
require me to get special liceneses or take special classes but I'de rather
have to do that then to be told that because of some idiots I am
irresponsible to keep what I want. But take afence or to no afence to
this...humans are medlers the common corn you eat used to be a wild plant
but now has come to be completly dependent on humans for propagation.
sometimes we screw up big time and when we do we just need to give a slight
hand of help to mother nature as she will make everything work out for the
best. Our inviroment is in a constant flux and we are but just tool in the
grand scheme of things. but untill our need for money is nullified we may
continue to do more damage then good. I'm a strong beliver in good laws and
in control but not banning something.there are no bad animals or fish or
plants....just bad and stupid humans that would rather throwit away rather
then dispose of properly.that unfortunatly I chalk up to our disposable
society. we never truly think what happens to items we just discard.
"Dick" wrote in message
Simple, while you are concerned about your "rights" the government has
to consider the welfare of the all the people. You may detest drunk
driving laws, but those injured or killed or whose property gets
damaged would ask you to consider their "rights" to security for
property and life.

You are not the center of the world!

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 21:48:18 GMT, LtWolfe wrote:

I am well aware of the exotic problems in my current state of residence.

Why do you seem so quick to
take away MY right? Because of what someone ELSE did? Why should I be

punished for the acts of
others? Does that seem right? Besides, there are very few exotics doing

well, compared to the
number in the hobby, and natives in FL. A lot of exotics are from fish

farm releases (I'm sure YOU
don't buy from fish farms, right?). Bottom line, I am responsible for MY

actions. YOU are responsible
for YOUR actions. Let's keep it like that okay? (or rather, get it back

like that).


"Toni" wrote in

"LtWolfe" wrote in message
. ..
No state or government has the right to interfere in a person's
business, unless it DIRECTLY
harms another INDIVIDUAL. God, what is this country coming to? FIGHT

I live in a land infested with Muscovy Ducks, toxic Bufo Toads, and
Melaleuca trees are soaking up my Everglades.... all non natives, all
introduced by folks who thought they knew better.