Thread: Cilantro
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Old 16-03-2004, 07:31 PM
Henriette Kress
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Default Cilantro

Frogleg wrote:
Henriette Kress wrote:

Frogleg wrote:

will work (if they're not too old) to start your plants. As someone
else has posted, there are 2 small seeds inside each round pod.

Umm. No, those "pods" _are_ the seeds.
Two to each tiny ball; like all umbelliferae, coriander seeds, too, come
in pairs.

Umm, no. Coriander *is* in the Umbelliferae family because of its
umbrella-like flower/seed arrangement. So are parsley, carrot, celery,
and geranium. The round ball is the dried fruit of the plant, and
contains two seeds.

Heh. Both Pelargonium and Geranium are in the Geraniaceae.
Please show me an umbellifer that doesn't have paired seeds; there might
be lots, but I haven't seen one yet.
The coriander ball is just two seeds, stuck together.


Henriette Kress, AHG Helsinki, Finland
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