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Old 20-03-2004, 11:15 PM
Larry Dighera
Posts: n/a
Default Apology to RGO newsgroup

On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 12:55:51 -0500, "Al" wrote in
Message-Id: :

it looks to me that Mick, far from disliking
pictures, actually lies in wait for them. He calls it dirty work, I think,
but if it makes him money, ah well.... I guess a chain saw at the table is
here to stay.

Thanks for the laugh, Al. Here are a few mo
It was a peaceful and productive forum; lively, congenial and a
bounteous source of useful information. Then one day, completely
without warning, Godzilla arose from the depths and blew his
scalding breath on everything in his path. A phalanx of Warriors
mobilized to attack the monster, only to be crushed like so many
toy tanks under Godzilla's mighty feet. Godzilla soon reduced the
forum to searing and consuming flames. Just as abruptly, he
rumbled back beneath the waves, leaving all to tremble in fear of
his return. Net life would never be the same. Sadly, many netizens
who survive a Godzilla attack will become Xenophobes
Xenophobe is usually a long-term discussion forum participant and
he thinks of the forum as his private compound. Xenophobe regards
newbies to his forum as mentally deficient and perhaps even having
criminal tendencies, and they are invariably approached with
suspicion and condescension. If a Newbie has the temerity to make
critical observations about the forum's social dynamics, or
questions prevailing opinion, Xenophobe will attempt to silence or
drive out the newcomer.
As a forum participant Jekyll and Hyde always plays by the rules
and is consistently cordial and helpful - a model netizen, until
one day he comes completely uncorked and lashes out without
warning.His unanticipated thunderbolts can temporarily rout even
the sturdiest Warriors, and it often takes some time for his
stunned opponents to mount a counter attack. Jekyll and Hyde's
sudden behavioral change may result from a psychotic episode, PMS,
a downturn in the market, a surprise visit by the in-laws - or a
session of hard drinking...