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Old 24-03-2004, 09:36 PM
Andy Hill
Posts: n/a
Default Snail Hunting fish - recommendations ?

"Geoff Kemp" wrote:
I believe a YoYo loach does not get as large as a Clown.. Effective at the
ridding of snails...

What sort of loach would be aok in a tank with guppies, bronze cory cats and
neon tetras ?? I relasie that a clown woulod be out of the question, but how
big do the yo-yo and zebra get ??

Either the yoyo or zebra would be fine with that mix -- they're not particularly
aggressive. In theory, the yoyo can get up to 6", but I've yet to see one that
big. Zebras max out a bit smaller, say 4-5". They both like company (I've
got 4 yoyos in my 29g community tank), so plan on a small school, not just one.