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Old 11-04-2004, 08:05 PM
david taylor
Posts: n/a
Default Revolting Maggot with Legs Thing.

I have not read through all the correspondence on this topic. 1 inch long
legs on front sounds like the larva of a carniverous beetle -carabida. They
are quite common and distincly diffeerent from chafer grubs which are not
nearly so active. If it is indeed a carniverous beetle larva you have killed
a goody.
The devils coachhorse larva is bigger and more evil looking but again should
be left alone.

"Tim Challenger" "timothy(dot)challenger(at)apk(dot)at" wrote in message
On Sun, 04 Apr 2004 21:46:26 +0100, Andy wrote:

On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 21:56:42 +0200 (CEST), George Orwell

On Sun, 04 Apr 2004 17:12:18 +0100, Andy

Hi all,

I dug up these revolting things today. They looked like one inch
white maggots but with red legs at the front. Does anyone know what
they were and if they're harmful or useful? I'm afraid that I killed
them cos they were so utterly disgusting so I hope they're not
gardeners friend material. I also found some mummified looking large
dark pink beetles. Are the two related I wonder?

Incredible to think they are releasing plonkers like you into the

Fraid so. Still; if I was that much of a plonker I wouldn't have
bothered asking.

If they looked like stag-beetle larvae, they could also be cockchafer or
rose-beetle larvae. I often find them in the compost heap, but sometimes

the ground.

Sorry, these links are in German, but they have pictures.

Like this: = rose beetle.
the cockchafer larva on the left, and the good rose-beetle larva on the

Did the beetles look like this?: = chafer

Tim C.