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Old 23-04-2004, 06:03 PM
Archimedes Plutonium
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Default strawberries via concrete block gardening

Tue, 20 Apr 2004 02:57:07 -0500 Archimedes Plutonium wrote:

Well, today I transplanted about 50 strawberries in concrete block
16"x8"x8". I am hoping that they thrive under those conditions because
strawberries are so hard to maintain from weeds and grasses. Because if
they can thrive in those block holes it is easy to weed them and to run the
mower. In other words, strawberries pose a high priority of being solved by
the Concrete Block method.

I am going to guess that they will thrive by just shooting their leaves up
higher to get the full sunlight. Once they do that, I can easily weed out
any grasses or weeds and mow along the line of block. I am further hoping
that the strawberry runners will try to reach ground and then I can easily
snip them off and plant them into a new block somewhere else.

This method may have solved the problem of growing strawberries and also it
is easy to walk down a row of block containing strawberries than in a

I shall report this summer how my strawberry experiment is going on.

In the last 3 days we have had nice rainy weather and I already can see that
the strawberries will prosper inside the concrete block for I have three that
have leaves coming up out of the holes and they have blossoms. I suspect they
shoot runners later this year and dangling from the top of the block which
will be easy for me to clip and transplant inside a new block hole.

So I think I have the strawberries put to the world's finest method of growing
via the concrete block in that I know where each plant is located. I easily
weed them, water them, fertilize them and transplant them without ever
stepping on them or mowing them down. The concrete block also inhibit the
growth of weeds and grasses because the holes do not provide enough sunlight
especially when the strawberry leaves pop out of the hole.

So concrete block strawberry agriculture is the finest means of growing
organic strawberries.

What I have to establish now is whether my alpine strawberries can reach the
top of the holes. Regular strawberries just make elongated leaves to reach the
top of the holes but can alpine strawberries do the same?

And the block are so great for watering because they funnel the water onto the
roots of the plant.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots
of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies