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Old 10-06-2004, 09:24 AM
Janet Baraclough..
Posts: n/a
Default Fern health risk ?

The message
from Jaques d'Alltrades contains
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The message
from Janet Baraclough.. contains
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The message
from Jaques d'Alltrades contains
these words:

AFAIK there is no restriction on carnivorous UK blood donors,

Vegetarians and carnivores who received a UK blood transfusion in the
80's are currently banned from donating blood in the UK.

But IIRC that was because of aids.

No. Recipients who contracted HIV or hepatitis from a 1980's
transfusion, would be detectable by blood test long before now.

15 of the 140-odd people who have died of nv-CJD, were blood donors
before their symptoms became apparent. There isn't any test to detect
whether recipients of their blood products are affected, so to play
safe, 80's-blood transfusion recipients in the UK can't donate blood.
One UK recipient of blood from someone who was incubating nv CJD, has
also contracted nv CJD.
