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Old 25-01-2003, 05:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Default For the older ponders...

I agree with you Mike ;-) Only thing is
she wasn't driving the car .. I think her son was. Nonetheless, she was
responsible for the spill! The cups are not flimsy... only the excuses are.

I get my morning coffee from McDonald's *every* morning. It is the best
tasting coffee in the natural world. I never open and drink the coffee
in the car. Usually drink it in the restaurant. As was typed in the
splurge about McDonald's ... the coffee is this hot to "Optimize flavor".

MLF wrote in message

she was holding the cup in one hand and trying to get the top off
with her other hand and it spilled.
so... you think it is fine for a restaurant to sell scalding hot
liquids in flimsy cups?

PULEEEEZE!!!! McDonalds wasn't holding the cup, the bozo of a woman was.
What kind of mental midget opens a cup with a hot liquid in it while
holding it over their crotch and drivinhg a car?

Sorry, Charlie. The woman knew it was hot and was careless and burned
herself. Tough. That's the price of shortsighted stupidity.

Unfortunately, when stupidity meets legal greed, you get a lawsuit. And
then the only one who makes out is the lawyer.

Somebody pays for that woman's dim mental capacity - everyone who buys
insurance or shops at McDonalds. I don't expect you or her or anyone
else to pay for the many incredibly dumb things I've done, and I won't
pay for anyone else's. It's called "personal responsibility", apparently
a concept completely foreign to modern Americans.

OTOH, there are people who deserve legal recourse for injury. But most
of them are people who are injured through no fault of their own. The
McDonalds case was certainly not one of those.

Michael Fermanis
New Orleans, Louisiana USA (Remove the POTATO to reply)
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