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Old 19-07-2004, 09:02 PM
Phil Diamond
Posts: n/a
Default Let's Start a Good Idea, Tips Thread.

G'Day from the Southern Hemisphere,

If you want to mix a large amount of compost, uniformly, there are at
least two ways (again used by local growers from whom I learnt):

Use a rotatable composting bin to mix your potting mix ingredients, be
they bark & charcoal of various grades, peat & perlite, sphagnum and
styrofoam, whatever.

Do it in a cheap concrete mixer, hand rotatable or motor driven.

If your quantity of compost requirements are modest, do it by hand. But
for larger accumulations/collections of orchids, why waste time and
break your back?

Cordially, Phil (Brisbane Australia).

PS G'Day Kye. Haven't seen you for a while mate.

"K Barrett" writes:

I've been using a large tub used to mix small batches of concrete for a
potting tub. Holds a lot of medium. Also makes a nice tray to cart potting
materials around in. (Stakes, bark mix, wires, pots, cutters, torch - you
know... all the "stuff") I used to put this stuff in a kitty litter pan,
but it just wasn't large enough.

K Barrett

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Dr Phil Diamond
Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Brisbane,AUSTRALIA 4072.
Tel +61 7 3365 3253 Fax +61 7 3365 1477