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Old 27-07-2004, 05:36 AM
Gail Futoran
Posts: n/a
Default muck from filter is it a health hazard

"hviking" wrote in message
Maybe I'm over reacting but I am wondering if the Muck I

rinse out of the
filter from my goldfish pond can be a health hazard? Does

anyone know?



Some people are allergic to whatever is in
aquarium and/or pond water. I will sometimes
get a very mild rash after cleaning one of my
aquariums, but nothing major. I stick my bare
hands & arms in the ponds to pull out dead
leaves, & algae, do partial water changes,
move things around etc. with no ill effect.

I also handle muck-ridden pond filter materials
bare-handed with no problems. I'm not sure I'd
use any extracted pond or tank water on vegetables
close to harvest, but I'll put the water everyone
else. My roses especially enjoy a good dose
of fish muck.

I suppose if your fish had some disease you
should be careful of the water & muck, but I
haven't run into that situation yet, so can't give
advice there.
