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Old 27-07-2004, 05:36 AM
Nathan A. Smith
Posts: n/a
Default How to clean up "brown water"

On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 08:48:44 -0400, Gale Pearce wrote:

Wecome to the group :~)))


The Savio is a good skimmer, but the 2 pads are not enough for good bio
filtration - you need a separate filter for the skimmer to feed to, also I
wouldn't put lava rock in the pump compartment as it will eventually clog up
and starve your pump burning it out.

Ok, I am confused. When I bought my pump orignally, I was told that
placing it in a box full of lava rock would be good to "protect it".

So how does lava rock clog up the filter? At worst it would seem that the
rock could put some rock dust in the pond....


Even though it is called a
"skimmerfilter", it is not really a bio filter. The 2 pads are there to
mechanically filter the water before the pump, keeping your pump running
free of debris. Any container (I use a 45 gal barrel for a pond close to
your size) with filter media in it will work well, then have that feed your
Gale :~)
"Nathan A. Smith" wrote in message

Just joined the group -- looks like a great resource.

I have built a pond (my very first) that is about 9ft by 7 ft and 30"
deep at places. I have it inhabited by 7 goldfish and 2 koi (all are
under 5" right now). I have a waterfall powered by a 1200 gal/hour pump.
My skimmer is a "Savio compact skimmerfilter". The skimmer (at least
claims) is a skimmer, a biofilter, and UV (optional, of course). After
installing it -- I had to wonder about the biofiltering capabilites as the
matting quickly got clogged up with "stuff", so I added some lava rock int
he compartment that the pump resides.

Now, that I have described my pond -- the problem. I have mostly brown
water. It doesn't look like alge (at least I don't think so). However
adding a clarifier like "crystal lagoon" didn't clear it up. So what is
the best way to clear this up? And is there a way to keep the pond clean?

Also anyone have comments on the savio?

Thanks a lot for the information
