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Old 29-07-2004, 04:10 AM
Captain Infinity
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Default Home Depot politics

Eenie Meenie Chili Beanie
zxcvbob is about to speak:

Vox Humana wrote:
"Zemedelec" wrote in message

Maybe this is much too off topic, but a friend of mine who is much
more of a political animal than I am told me HD is heavily
supported by rich Republicans such as Arthur Blank, the president
of Home Depot, who hosted a dinner in Atlanta that gave Bush $2.5
million. So any of you whose whole lives, including gardening, are
permeated with their political convictions might want to go to
Loew's, etc. if you need to buy at a big chain store. zemedelec

I wouldn't doubt this. I saw an interview with him a few days ago.
The guy came from the division of GE that made (bad) appliances and
other hard goods. He didn't know a nut from a bolt. I wanted to
throw a brick through the TV because everything that came out of his
mouth sounded like the hypnotic jargon that you would hear from a
sales seminar. I guess he never visits the stores, otherwise he
might see that all the feel-good "team building" bull shit and new
computer systems he promotes are worthless because the stores look
like a tornado hit them and the employees know less about the
products than he does. I seldom go to HD because I can get the same
thing for a little less in a better organized and maintained Lowe's
store across the street. I don't want to leave people with the
impression that Lowe's doesn't have their own set of problems. They
treated my mother very badly when she had them remodel her kitchen,
but that is another story.

For people interested in tracking contributions to political
campaigns, you might want to look at this site: You can enter a street or a zip
code and see the contributions of the people around you. You can
also enter names. If you click on the name, it will show the
contributions of everyone with that name. If you click on the
address, it will show people in that area. There is interesting
mapping system that shows how red, blue, or purple an are is.

Since everyone is having so much fun yacking political BS that doesn't
belong here, rather than start an argument about moderating the group
and censorship and all that, why don't we just open the barn door and
see what comes in.

It'll be loads of fun.


Captain Infinity